A lot of our feature rich content on CoffeeGeek is getting edits, reviews, and in some cases, re-writes for our 2024 redesign (which should be live by the end of this month!).
This includes about half of our How Tos. We're also adding four new things to all our How Tos:
- original publication date
- latest update date
- what revisions have been done and how many versions have been published, and
- a graphical list of the gear and coffee used in the how to.
Here's how the Cafe au Lait How To looks on the new website. Second shot is the introduction section with new content, including revisions, and the gear we use in the How To.
I'm always curious if people like this kind of granular info.
I know I like to know what revisions a guide or how to (or review) has had. And I'm often curious about the gear used in other how tos I read online (like photography guides, cooking how tos, etc).
To add to this, I'm also very cognizant that most people, when finding a "How to do XYZ" guide online don't want to read someone's life story and how they were inspired by a trip to Venice and then spend sixteen paragraphs and 2,000 words writing about that trip before getting to the recipe or guide...
This is why we keep our introductions short on all our How Tos - usually 300 words or less, just some minimal background and prep before diving in. We save the longer stuff (history of the drink, where it's popular, variations, etc) for AFTER the how to steps.
I mention this, because adding the guide revisions bit adds more content before the actual step by step guide, and I'm not sure about placing it there. I might put it at the end of the guide.
@coffeegeek Thank you for your service.