Kreativer städtebaulicher Vorschlag für eine Fußgängerüberführung im Ukraine-Kreis in Baku #Aserbaidschan #Azerbaijan #Azərbaycan Kreativer städtebaulicher Vorschlag für eine Fußgängerüberführung im Ukraine-Kreis in Baku #Aserbaidschan #Azerbaijan #Azərbaycan
"‘Alarming’: COP29 negotiators far from striking climate finance agreement as summit enters crunch time"
"Cop29 climate finance deal hits fresh setback as deadline looms"
"Weak gender focus at COP29 risks leaving women behind in greener future"
[12:28] COP29 proposes $250bn a year in climate finance
A new draft of a global climate agreement released at COP29 in Azerbaijan proposes that developed countries provide $250 billion annually by 2035 to help poorer countries fight global warming.
#Azerbaijan #$250billion #annually #2035
RaiNews by undefined
Cop29, a Baku ultimo giorno di negoziati: nuova bozza di accordo
In un messaggio ai delegati la presidenza ha assicurato: "Faremo aggiustamenti minori e diffonderemo il testo finale stasera"
COP29, a Baku last day of negotiations: new draft agreement
In a message to delegates, the presidency assured: "We will make minor adjustments and disseminate the final text this evening."
#Azerbaijan #Baku
The UAE wants nations to vow,
To honour the fossil fuels now,
Amidst all the strife,
At COP29's life,
Let's care for the Earth, not just wow.
#GuardianLimerick #Oil #Oil #Azerbaijan #Business #Commodities #Environment #Energy #Europe Der junge Ilham Aliyev vor dem sowjetischen Panzer #Aserbaidschan #Azerbaijan #Azərbaycan È vero? Qualcuno può fornire il punto di vista azero su questo? #Azerbaigian #Azerbaijan #Azərbaycan Il giovane Ilham Aliyev davanti al carro armato sovietico #Azerbaigian #Azerbaijan #Azərbaycan
Cop 29 live: Poor countries may have to compromise on climate funding, says former UN envoy #Climatefinance #Climatecrisis #Environment #Climateaid #Azerbaijan #Worldnews #Cop29
Daughter of Political Prisoner in Azerbaijan: Gov’t Is Using COP29 as Chance to “Enrich the Regime” #Azerbaijan #fossilfuels #humanrights #COP29 Ein weiterer aserbaidschanischer Soldat starb im Kampf für die Ukraine. Aserbaidschaner gehören zu den TOP 3 der für die Ukraine sterbenden Ausländer #Aserbaidschan #Azerbaijan #Azərbaycan Com’è la vita a Baku, in Azerbaigian? #Azerbaigian #Azerbaijan #Azərbaycan Un altro soldato di etnia azera è morto combattendo per l’Ucraina. Gli azeri sono tra i primi 3 cittadini stranieri che muoiono per l’Ucraina #Azerbaigian #Azerbaijan #Azərbaycan Azerbaijani Parliament slams biased resolution of Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg #analytics #Azerbaijan'sNews #BreakingNews #BusinessNews #CaspianNews #CentralAsia #CompanyNews #Economy #FinancialNews #Georgia'sNews #Iran'sNews #Kazakhstan'sNews #Lëtzebuerg #luxembourg #Luxemburg #OilAndGasNews #Politics #TheCaspianSea #TheCISNews #Turkey'sNews #Turkmenistan'sNews #Uzbekistan'sNews #WorldNews Gli 89 migliori paesi al mondo per diventare un imprenditore #Azerbaigian #Azerbaijan #Azərbaycan
There once was a climate envoy so wise
Said poor nations might have to revise
To downgrade demands,
For climate cash in their hands
But climate action, we must prioritize Von einer aserbaidschanischen Hochzeit, 1965 #Aserbaidschan #Azerbaijan #Azərbaycan