DC Preview: Absolute Batman #6
Absolute Batman’s first story arc, ‘The Zoo’ concludes with this larger-than-life story, while introducing a few new elements to come in arc 2.
Today's the birthday of Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman.
(Comic art by Win Mortimer, Bob Kane, and Colleen Coover.)
#VideoGuia #BatmanReturns #1992
IG/FB: @c31collectorsedition
#c31collectorsedition #cine31collectorsedition #batman #portugal #revista #video #vhs #magazine
60's Gotham City was rife with criminality. Residents were grateful for having the #DynamicDuo in keeping the villains and their henchmen in check with a punchup.
#Batman #CapedCrusader #BatmanFight
Ooooff, Biff, zamm, Kayo, Thunk, Sock, Whamm, Kronk, Bonk,
Clunk, Zlopp, Z-zwap, Klonk, Zamm, Powie, Bam, Splatt
Bakan Yerlikaya: Amacımız, 40 yılı aşan bölücü terör girdabını ortadan kaldırmak: Bakan Yerlikaya, Batman'daki temasları kapsamında Valiliği ziyaret ederek, Vali Ekrem Canalp ile görüştü.
Daha sonra AK Parti ve MHP İl başkanlıklarına ziyarette bulunan Yerlikaya, Türkiye Petrolleri Anonim Ortaklığı (TPAO) Batman Bölge Müdürlüğü yerleşkesinde bulunan Kristal Park Sosyal… https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/bakan-yerlikaya-amacimiz-40-yili-asan-bolucu-teror-girdabini-ortadan-kaldirmak-211196.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #Türkiye #BakanYerlikaya #Batman #İçişleriBakanlığı #TerörleMücadele
#happybirthday #leslieparrish #actress #activist #LtCarolynPalamas #startrek #WhoMournsforAdonais #TheManchurianCandidate #TheWildWildWest #MyThreeSons #PerryMason #FamilyAffair #BatMasterson #TheManFromUNCLE #Adam12 #GoodMorningWorld #PoliceStory #Batman #McCloud #TheBigValley #startrek58 @trekcore
60's Gotham City was rife with criminality. Residents were grateful for having the #DynamicDuo in keeping the villains and their henchmen in check with a punchup.
#Batman #CapedCrusader #BatmanFight
Zap, Boff, Thwack, Whamm, Kapow, Z-zwap, Eee-Yow, Oooff,
Bam, Crunch, Thunk, Crraack, Whamm, Pow, Biff, Boff
#happybirthday @welliver_titus #tituswelliver #actor #maxwellburke #startrek #voyager #equinox #thetown #argo #transformers #ageofextintion #watchmen #bosch #legacy #agentsofshield #thelastship #lost #manonaledge #escapeplan2 #hades #lawandordersvu #Shaft #Batman #TheLongHalloween #Titans #startrek58 @trekcore
YouTube Tipp
#GeneWinfield, #BladeRunner Custom #CarDesigner, Dies at 97 #robocop #startrek #batman #missionimpossible
‘Batman: Dark Patterns’ #4 features decadent artwork and a memorable premise
Batman breaches a crime-infested tower block in this gorgeous issue.