What kind of classes do spiders attend?
What kind of classes do spiders attend?
When his daddy told young Willie Plum
How and where new babies come from
Willie sneered, 'For two years,
I've been humpin' Sue Meers,
And she's had no kid papa you dumb
Is this an innocent bit of flirting in the workplace, or…?
A new farmer's helper named Kull
accidently was milking a bull
the farmer said 'Boy, you're dumb
you milked the wrong one!'
said the boy 'But me whole buckets full
There once lived a man in DC
Who'd been shut off by his wife Hillary
He refused to confess
But the proof's on the dress
So quit lying to us on T.V
New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
#Government #Shutdown #Averted
#DailyLaughs #VisitNow #AIHumor #AILaughs #ComedyGold
New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
#College #Basketball #Star's #Frustration
#Laughs #Jokes #LaughWithAI #AIGeneratedJokes #NewsJokes
On my way to producing yet another issue of my print magazine, Shut Yer Pie Hole! In the meantime, see the slightly updated website: http://www.shutyerpiehole.org #humor #satire #parody #USPolitics #politicalsatire #jokes #benstiller
My bank statement's here and I dread
It. I think I will leave it unread.
But on second thoughts, no;
Better peek ... told you so;
I spy huge great big numbers in red
New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
The Big #Game
#AIComedy #AILaughs #DailyJokes #AIGeneratedJokes #VisitUsNow
Driving to my job: Blast the heater
Driving home from my job: Blast the AC
Pick a damn temperature Mother Nature!
there once was a sad man from Leeds
who lay every night alone under the sheets
he spend his sorry life
without the company of a wife
and he had to fullfill his own needs
What sort of creature hibernates in odd poses?
A yoga bear.