Радбез ООН збереться 26 березня для обговорення ситуації в Україні: деталі https://unn.ua/news/radbez-oon-zberetsia-26-bereznia-dlia-obhovorennia-sytuatsii-v-ukraini-detali?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Ukraine
Радбез ООН збереться 26 березня для обговорення ситуації в Україні: деталі https://unn.ua/news/radbez-oon-zberetsia-26-bereznia-dlia-obhovorennia-sytuatsii-v-ukraini-detali?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Ukraine
У Трампа заявили, что в Будапештском меморандуме есть "ошибка" '#ukraine''#news''#actual''#korrespondent' - https://korrespondent.net/world/4767104-u-trampa-zaiavyly-chto-v-budapeshtskom-memorandume-est-oshybka
In his article in the #Guardian, Paul Taylor succinctly brings all the strings together into a skein and concludes with a hope:
“All this suggests that a de-facto European security council is already at work trying to limit the damage from Trump’s geopolitical wrecking ball and prevent a security vacuum in Europe. However, reports that his administration is also considering vacating the top Nato military post of Supreme Allied Commander Europe, which has embodied the transatlantic security guarantee since 1951 (with Eisenhower in the role), suggest the transition may be sudden, unilateral and chaotic rather than gradual, consensual and negotiated.
That would be a true stress test of whether Europeans can handle their own security in an increasingly lawless world of predatory great powers.”
My thinking is that the #EU is a slumbering beast and like a sleeping dragon, will take its time waking up to find that half of its hoard has been lifted off in his slumbers. The idea that a selected group of #European countries might wake up earlier and reveal they are more effective outside the EU framework is both a boon (for the defence of Europe and #Ukraine) and a tragedy (as it may signal an impotent EU structure about to crumble). The fallout will be cathartic for Europe and the world IMO.
https://www.europesays.com/1943143/ US proposes new critical minerals deal to Ukraine, says Zelenskyy #Ukraine
Американская разведка видит риск применения Путиным ядерного оружия '#ukraine''#news''#actual''#gazetaua' - https://gazeta.ua/ru/articles/politics/_amerikanskaya-razvedka-vidit-risk-primeneniya-putinym-yadernogo-oruzhiya/1212631
https://www.europesays.com/1943118/ Ukraine and Russia agree to US-brokered Black Sea ceasefire – but Zelenskyy says Moscow already playing games | World News #Conflicts #Russia #RussiaUkraine #RussiaUkraineWar #RussianInvasionOfUkraine #RussoUkrainianWar #Ukraine
There's a deal on the Black Sea in sight
With Russia set to profit from it quite bright
Lavrov is confident
That the grain market's ascent
Will bring gains, making things look quite right
https://www.bytesde.com/912005/ Ein Dankeschön aus der 94. Brigade – Ihre Unterstützung hat ihnen einen Laptop und einen Drucker gemacht! #Ukraine
Updated #Ukraine FPV interceptor analysis from Tochnyi, adding ~1700 from their November count
Директор ЦРУ: Украинцы будут сражаться даже голыми руками, если придется '#ukraine''#news''#actual''#ukrpravda' - https://www.pravda.com.ua/rus/news/2025/03/26/7504564/
Video of the fuel ejection from the second stage of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, which caused the blue spiral phenomenon yesterday.
Українці битимуться голіруч, якщо їх не влаштує мирна угода – директор ЦРУ https://unn.ua/news/ukraintsi-bytymutsia-holiruch-yakshcho-yikh-ne-vlashtuie-myrna-uhoda-dyrektor-tsru?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Ukraine
Austria says it has uncovered a Russian-steered campaign to spread disinformation about Ukraine
https://www.csseo.org/580867/ Un ringraziamento dalla 94a brigata: il tuo supporto ha ottenuto loro un laptop e una stampante! #Ucraina #Ucraino #Ukraine
Russia, Ukraine agree to Black Sea truce, US says https://www.byteseu.com/863664/ #BlackSea #Russia #Ukraine #UkraineWar #VolodymyrZelensky #WorldNews
Ukraine and Russia Agree to Cease Fighting in the Black Sea, White House Says
POWs now returning from Russian captivity in much worse condition - military
Ukraine to dissolve gambling regulator, create new agency to oversee industry
‘I Share Your Loathing of European Freeloading’ – Details Emerge of US Security Text Breach; Emojis From Moscow