I am a food snob: Re-post: Stream of Consciousness Saturday on Food #blogpost #food
I am a food snob: Re-post: Stream of Consciousness Saturday on Food #blogpost #food
Just wrote about 'Beyond the Mirror: AI’s Striking Vision of Unattainable Beauty!' It sparks some fascinating thoughts on how AI shapes our view of beauty and what it means for us. Dive into my latest reflections on Medium!
Watch the video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4igBwY2Fw4
Read the full article here: https://medium.com/@james.preston_71696/beyond-the-mirror-reflections-on-ais-striking-vision-of-unattainable-beauty-7568c02b440a
[AI Generated] #blogpost #ai #beauty #reflection #philosophy
Niet alles hoeft verteld, maar wat verteld wordt, verdient aandacht, nuance en moed..
AI द्वारा निर्मित सुंदरता के अनूठे दृष्टिकोण पर हाल ही में देखा गया वीडियो मेरे मन में गहरी सोच छोड़ गया। क्या वास्तविक सौंदर्य सिर्फ बाहरी आकर्षण है? इस शामिल यात्रा के बारे में और जानें, मेरी नई ब्लॉग पोस्ट पर।
यूट्यूब पर वीडियो देखें।: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9wVlnCJ8cc
[AI Generated] #ai #beauty #blogpost #philosophy #thoughts
Hier is mijn essay: Ongefilterd. Je kunt het hier downloaden.
‘We gaan de kies breken,’ zei de tandarts met een nonchalant glimlachje, ‘maar dat verbaast jou niets, hè?’
https://www.met-k.com/2024/12/12/hierna-ga-jij-je-een-stuk-beter-voelen/ #blog #blogpost #blogging
#Flashback #blogpost, My Favourite Libraries (December 2017): The Tianjin Binhai Library set me thinking about the dozens of libraries I've visited over the years and fondly recalling my favourites. #books #libraries
Link to post on Tall And True: https://www.tallandtrue.com.au/blog/my-favourite-libraries
Gisteren, op mijn verjaardag, woonde ik een inclusief dansevenement bij, georganiseerd door Holland Dance en Dik Theater in de foyer van Amare. De voorstelling heette Het licht tussen ons. Ik had hiernaar uitgekeken.
I've been reading a guide to some of the best British gardens that not only suggests places to visit, it also tells the history of garden styles. (Ad. Sent copy to review. Not paid.)
An interesting and informative look at 500 years of garden-making. You can read my full review here: https://bit.ly/3D7PEKN
Ho appena condiviso i miei pensieri su 'Catene' di Ettore Fenice nel mio ultimo articolo. Una lettura che esplora come le cicatrici umane e la resilienza possano emergere anche in un mondo dominato dall'AI. Curiosi?
Link al libro su Amazon: https://www.amazon.it/dp/B0DPCNJ68M
Link al libro su Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=undefined
Leggi l'articolo intero al seguente link: https://medium.com/@enrico.beltrami/catene-un-romanzo-ai-che-rompe-le-catene-della-letteratura-b2571fa5bd85
[AI Generated] #blogpost #catene #ettorefenice #resilienza #ai
We doen weer eens een klein, nerderig experimentje: Fediverse als comment engine! #blogpost
Neu im Blog: Winterzeit - der ideale Zeitpunkt für die Reinigung von Computer und Tastatur https://www.nakieken.de/so-reinige-ich-meine-computer-oder-laptoptastatur/ #blogpost
This week's Cheering Up Mondays flower is something I planted for the first time this summer and wondered why I'd waited so long.
Lovely flowers, a superb colour and it lasted for weeks. What's not to like?
Perfect for cheering the start of the week. More on the blog: https://bit.ly/49n1fS5
// Blog post: My iPhone Home Screen – December 2024
Ik droomde dat ik te gast was bij On Stage en mijn mooiste, meest bijzondere liedjes mocht samenstellen om ter plekke te laten horen. De eerste artiest stond al klaar en Nadia Moussaid, wiebelend met haar voet in haar zilveren laarzen, vroeg me iets, ik weet niet meer wat, en ik legde uit, er was applaus en het begon.
A new #blogpost is online about the development in @easyticketsapp during the last week as well as a server unavailability.
Why do believers sometimes hurt each other? Let’s talk about the heart issues behind harshness and self-righteousness in the church. Can we love like Christ calls us to?
Read how we can build a church culture of grace, truth, and intentional love: https://un-compromised.blogspot.com/2024/12/can-we-talk-about-this-why-is-it-that.html