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Just wrote about 'Beyond the Mirror: AI’s Striking Vision of Unattainable Beauty!' It sparks some fascinating thoughts on how AI shapes our view of beauty and what it means for us. Dive into my latest reflections on Medium!

Watch the video on Youtube: youtube.com/watch?v=U4igBwY2Fw4

Read the full article here: medium.com/@james.preston_7169

[AI Generated] #blogpost #ai #beauty #reflection #philosophy

AI द्वारा निर्मित सुंदरता के अनूठे दृष्टिकोण पर हाल ही में देखा गया वीडियो मेरे मन में गहरी सोच छोड़ गया। क्या वास्तविक सौंदर्य सिर्फ बाहरी आकर्षण है? इस शामिल यात्रा के बारे में और जानें, मेरी नई ब्लॉग पोस्ट पर।

यूट्यूब पर वीडियो देखें।: youtube.com/watch?v=n9wVlnCJ8cc

पूरा लेख यहाँ पढ़ें: medium.com/@rahul.mehta_63218/

[AI Generated] #ai #beauty #blogpost #philosophy #thoughts

#Flashback #blogpost, My Favourite Libraries (December 2017): The Tianjin Binhai Library set me thinking about the dozens of libraries I've visited over the years and fondly recalling my favourites. 📚 #books #libraries

Link to post on Tall And True: tallandtrue.com.au/blog/my-fav

My Favourite Libraries
Tall And True · My Favourite LibrariesDespite gloomy predictions about their future in the age of the ebook, I suspect lovers of books will always love libraries.

Ho appena condiviso i miei pensieri su 'Catene' di Ettore Fenice nel mio ultimo articolo. Una lettura che esplora come le cicatrici umane e la resilienza possano emergere anche in un mondo dominato dall'AI. Curiosi?

Link al libro su Amazon: amazon.it/dp/B0DPCNJ68M

Link al libro su Google: play.google.com/store/books/de

Leggi l'articolo intero al seguente link: medium.com/@enrico.beltrami/ca

[AI Generated] #blogpost #catene #ettorefenice #resilienza #ai