My recap of my first year and a half of potting continues with more cups! In this episode, the young potter explores #contemporary #tribalfuturism motifs.
Made an important #pottery tool today. shrinkage rulers! Different clay bodies shrink when drying and being fired. So this ruler will shrink and you can use this ruler with a standard ruler and make good estimations about how your project will change.
First stab at a Celtic knot sgraffito tile. Now to let it dry thoroughly before biscuit firing. #pottery #sgraffito #ceramics
i want to digitize some old #analog cassette tapes with my m1 macbook pro. I tried plugging the cassette player's aux cable into the laptop's headphone jack, but it wont detect the signal.
i don't know much about #mac or #audio #music recording. is there anyone out there who can explain what i'm doing wrong or point me to the adapter I need? : preferably not amazon
thanks in advance!
Photo of #dj #cat #pottery #coffee #cup (made by me) for interest
Design Milk : The Function of Ornament Takes Shape in Vessels by Devin Wilde #geometricvolumes #HomeFurnishings #geometricshapes #DevinWilde #sculpture #ceramics #pottery #vessels #Main #clay #vase #Art #art
Mastodon, mi horrible hijo mutante; horrible hijo mutante, Mastodon
ma newest ceramics
handmade with love & joined by my loves miko & seba mou
andie werk-zeug.
andie brassat, vorstadt 10, 2. og, ch-schaffhausen
. mastodon (de) andie brassat
. pixelfed (think canada) anlu777
. threema (ch) andie brassat
#andie #art #craft #handmade #recycled #animalrescueing #vegan #sanishunde #ceramics
#scooby75 #uniques #faccanischuhe #qunst #gewürznote #clay #pottery #silverrings #bogenkaffee #tee #geschenke
...und noch ein neues Experiment.
#gruselpott #pottery #kreativceramic #Töpfern #birdskull
Ok, here is her other piece called Snaking Thoughts. There are four life sized heads with a snaking thought leaving the mouth and entering the others ear. The thoughts are: Judgement, Criticism, Self Abandonment, and Unmet Needs.
Hybrid Tea Set by Ronit Baranga, 2017-18 (ceramic)
#ronitbaranga #art #pottery #ceramics
Slipware soupbowl, local terracotta clay, sgraffito through wet slip, painted with colored glazes.
Niek Hoogland,
Pottenbakkerij Hoogland, Steyl Limburg, Netherlands
#pottenbakkerij #pottery #töpferei
#ceramics #ceramique #keramiek #keramik #ceramicart #contemporaryceramics
#slibversierdaardewerk #slipware #terrevernisee
#tegelseklei #tegelsaardewerk