Study confirms Egyptians likely used hallucinogens in rituals
Supreme Court Takes Up Catholic Charities' Unemployment Tax Case
Catholic Charities does not want to pay unemployment taxes.
It is rarely a good sign when the Supreme Court grants cert in a religion case.
Exploring malevolent ideologies shaping our world, I’ve dubbed the dynamics I’ve found the 'Anti-Life agenda.' While I don’t believe in grand conspiracies, this mindset affects us in ways that are hard to distinguish from one. In this article, I discuss how we can challenge the Anti-Life agenda.
Macron voulait le pape François pour sa cérémonie de réouverture de Notre-Dame. Il aura droit à 40min d'entretien à l'aéroport d'Ajaccio ce dimanche, en fin de journée, avant que le souverain pontife ne rentre à Rome: "Le président est vert, ce n'est pas du tout ce qu'il avait prévu", se bidonne un familier de l'Elysée. Signe du courroux présidentiel, Macron devrait quitter directement l’île juste après, selon mes infos
Interested in the mess that the #American #church is today?
This is the #sermon that started the first great #revival of #religion in America.
It’s quite the sermon:
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God - Wikipedia
Moldova declares energy emergency amid fears of Russian gas shortage #Biden #BJP #Blogs #BookReviews #China #Christianity #Congress #culture #EnergyCrisis #ForeignPolicy #Hindu #Hinduism #india #IndianArtciles #Indic #Interviews #Israel #Japan #Jihad #KuciurganPowerPlant #Modi #Moldova #MoldovaEnergyDiversification #MovieReviews #MyIndBook #MyIndMakers #Podcasts #Politics #Religion #RussiaGasSupplies #StateOfEmergency #Swami #Travel #trump #Videos
@davetroy This should be dominating public discourse.
“As Shalyganov comments during his interview, “It’s always easier and better to deal with someone who believes in God than an unbeliever.”
“Religion is seen merely as a highly useful tool for social control” - Corum’s linked essay.
Global religion based monarchy as a solution to the global degradation caused by free-market capitalism - from the linked podcast
Project Russia sheds light on the MAGA mindset.
#Politics #Religion #Russia #USA
Doagh Famine Village in County Donegal, Ireland
Once part of a living village, these buildings now house exhibits showcasing historical aspects of life in Ireland.#museums #cultures #funeral #religion #famine #history&culture #section-Atlas
Doagh Famine Village
New and Noteworthy: Unconditional Love, ‘Shame-Sex Attraction,’ and More
10 Ways To Stay Grounded During Trump’s Second Term