A Welsh woman speaks to @BBCNews about the “horrendous” conditions she is being kept in after “visa mix-up” at the U.S. border. “They keep saying in all their booklets that this is not a prison. It’s hard to distinguish from my conception of a prison,” Becky Burke says.
#Wales #US #Visa #Customs #Immigration
Although the news has focused on #European #women of child bearing age being held in detention, many more #POC have met the same fate. Especially for women traveling alone.
This started during the Biden administration and has got worse this year. Even countries with relatively small numbers of visa violations are being targeted.
That makes 2 German women and a Welsh woman detained for an extended time by the US. How long before mean toots about Trump get people jailed?
"A Welsh woman speaks to @BBCNews about the “horrendous” conditions she is being kept in after “visa mix-up” at the U.S. border. “They keep saying in all their booklets that this is not a prison. It’s hard to distinguish from my conception of a prison,”