Why do the U.S. media and political classes continue to dismiss Trump's statements about taking over Canada as a distraction from the "real issues," rather than a genuine threat, and a scandal? wonders Asawin Suebsaeng for @RollingStone. Here's his story about the erosion of decency in the United States, some of the evidence that Trump's threats are serious, and how the damage has already been done. "It is, or at least it should be, a damp stain on our national conscience, and your average outraged Canadian is responding rationally," Suebsaeng writes.
@NewsDesk @RollingStone
Because US #media never met any #White imperial expansion it couldn’t get behind and justify.
From the #indigenous #genocide to the #mexican wars to the #Philippine genocide to the #Vietnam genocide to the #Iraq genocide. The US media has trumpeted them all
Historically the #WaPo has been the go to organization for testing the ideas
@NewsDesk @RollingStone I'd suspect that a rationale for dismissing Trump's idiocy about taking over Canada is a suspicion that he's throwing out a lot of outrageous statements as a smokescreen to distract from attempts to dismantle democratic institutions. Of course we don't know for sure that it is an idle threat and Canadians have every reason to be worried.
@NewsDesk @RollingStone Ow there is, in my opinion, no doubt that it is a threat. Look up "Manifest Destiny" and see for yourself. And it comes as no surprise that it isn't an original "idea", but one regurgitated from the 1800s. Which, quelle surprise, just so happened to inspire a certain German, yes that one, a bit later.
@NewsDesk @RollingStone "According to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia, Adolf Hitler's Lebensraum was the "Manifest Destiny" for Germany's romanticization and imperial conquest of Eastern Europe. Hitler compared Nazi expansion to American expansion westward, saying, “there's only one duty: to Germanize this country [Russia] by the immigration of Germans and to look upon the natives as R*******.”
@NewsDesk @RollingStone
It is also where he got the idea to purchase Greenland from, an attempt to emulate the purchase of Alaska from Russia.
A belief in Manifest Destiny and American Exceptionalism also explains why he has no problem with annexation. Which is why Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines were annexed in the past.
It is just a terrible repeat of racist outdated ideas, not one original thought. But you better take him seriously...