Is there a Pitchfork for fediverse music? As I try to familiarize myself with this landscape, I'm wishing there was a guide to help me find the gems.
@miaq I really enjoy @etherdiver's Other People's Music series.
@stefan @etherdiver This is a great start, thank you! I like to dance to dirges
That would be awesome! I'm not aware of something like that exactly but here are a couple of other ways to discover fedi music I can recommend:
There's good ol' @radiofreefedi if you're feeling up for letting the sounds of the fediverse wash over you:
If you're after something more curated, @hello has a mixtape series:
@ethicalrevolution has a great mixtape series as well:
@socool @miaq @ethicalrevolution Also worth checking out @labr! welcome to fedi!