Five cheetah feed on a young hartebeest – Olare Conservancy, #Kenya
Gold in black and white category
Photograph: Paul Goldstein/World Nature Photography awards
Scary Aphanis!
all fangs out to intimidate encountered people in the dark woods
Cheetah Speed, Engineered: China’s Robotic Marvel Springs Ahead with Material Science
I just published Galloping Innovation: How China’s Robotic Cheetah Mimics Nature with Advanced Materials
Nové přírodopisné a paleo dokumenty z ledna a února 2025! Od letošního Winterwatch po Dobu ledovou: Apokalypsu, od Pozoruhodného světa s Jeffem Corwinem po Dinosauří ptáky, mám tu pro vás seznam všech!
#nature #documentary #news #wildlife #paleontology #documentaryfilm #tv #film #jeffcorwin #dinosaurs #iceage #stevebackshall #michaelastrachan #bigcats #lions #leopard #cheetah #conservation
New wildlife and paleo documentaries from January and February 2025! From this year's Winterwatch to Ice Age: Apocalypse, from Extraordinary World with Jeff Corwin to Dino Birds, I have them all here listed for you!
#nature #documentary #news #wildlife #paleontology #documentaryfilm #tv #film #jeffcorwin #dinosaurs #iceage #stevebackshall #michaelastrachan #bigcats #lions #leopard #cheetah #conservation
Deze 'Cheetah Denim' is zojuist uitgekomen bij Nike.
Check snel de sneaker via onderstaande link.
Nike Air Force 1 Low - Cheetah Blue Denim
#cheetah #denim #airforce1