Heute gab es mal einen #Cthulhu Now Oneshot mit einem bunten Mix an Spielenden aus meinen Runden.
Die SC hatten eine Lost Places-Beelitz-Heilstätten-Tour gebucht zum selten besuchten Südteil, bevor die Modernisierung das Areals komplett verändert.
Die SC mit der Gruppe erst zum Maschinenhaus, wo sie einige Geräusche und Bewegungen in den alten Versorgungstunneln wahrnahmen. Dann zum Badehaus, wo der U-Bahnfahrer-SC, der im Keller zurückblieb, von Ziegenbrut angegriffen wurde...
Aquí puedes vernos trabajando en una de las escenas del juego: el cementerio de Providence. ¿Quieres saber más?
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One of the game’s scenes: Providence Cemetery. Want to know more?
Sign up for our newsletter or follow our Steam page to stay updated on our progress.
Newsletter: https://f.mtr.cool/lqbmqxfuje
Steam: https://f.mtr.cool/uopwezpugk
Meet Henry Armitage. The head librarian at Miskatonic University’s Orne Library in Choose Cthulhu Files: The Call of Cthulhu.
Want to learn more about the game? Add him to your Steam wishlist!
Steam: https://f.mtr.cool/ejbpgaqglg
Henry Armitage. El bibliotecario jefe de la biblioteca Orne en la Universidad de Miskatonic en Choose Cthulhu Files: La llamada de Cthulhu. ¿Quieres saber más sobre el profesor Armitage? ¡Añádelo a tu wishlist en Steam!
Steam: https://f.mtr.cool/gfbxtmnlax
The characters in Choose Cthulhu Files: The Call of Cthulhu are key to bringing the story to life and interacting with the player.
Read more about character design in our article.
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" - chanted continuously
Related channel - continuous screaming without end, with first person commentary.
#HashtagGames #Cthulhu #HPLovecraft
#CthulhuMythos #WeirdTales #TheCallOfCthulhu
H.P. Lovecraft [August 20, 1890 – March 15 1937]
88 years ago he left this world and started his journey to the unknown.
His legacy is alive today and stonger than before!
"A quiet evening around the campfire again".
Digital montage and frame-by-frame animation, featuring one of my Lovecraftian sculptures.
#lovecraft #lovecraftian #cthulhu #cthulhumythos #weirdart #weird
@HeyeBodo was bei den Fragen ein bisschen untergeht (außer ich hab das falsch übersetzt):
Spiele in meiner Sammlung:
#shadowrun #alienrpg #deponia #startrekadventures #dnd #cthulhu uvm.
Want to play, top 3:
Alien RPG, Bladerunner RPG, Star Trek Adventures
Kuriosestes Spiel : Great Orc Gods
@billiglarper @ArneBab @BlauesLicht @Mellando
1. First #trpg ever played:
#DasSchwarzeAuge (DSA)
2. First you ever ran? - DSA
3. Played the most? - Most likely DSA, but #cthulhu is about to take the lead
4. Run the most? - DSA
5. Favourite? - #Splittermond, #Dnd5e or #theblackhack (with a #magicthegathering setting like #Ravnica, #Strixhaven or #Innistrad)
6. Most recently played? - Cthulhu
7. Most recently run? - #Dnd in #Avishkar
It´s now or never! In the heart pounding finale, our protagonist decides to make his escape by any means necessary. Will he make his way to freedom or be condomned to undead servitude until he eventually wastes away?
The effect of failing a pushed Library Use roll.
(Comic written by Paul Tobin and illustrated by Juan Ferreyra, originally published in the newsletter of the HP Lovecraft Film Festival)
The comic strips for the results of disadvantage rolls have been completed.
Las viñetitas para los resultados de tirar en desventaja.
Comparto otro eventillo que organizan mis colegas:
Os presentamos el próximo taller de manualidades: *taller de Amigurumi* Haz tú propio Cthulhu de crochet y pasa un buen rato
- 22 de marzo de 10:15 a 13:15
- Centro cultural villa de Móstoles
- Aguja de crochet de 1 a 1,40
- Hilo del color que se quiera el muñeco (que no forme bolitas)
- Imperdibles u horquillas
- Algodón, guata o lana para el relleno, intentaremos llevar de más por si acaso
Inscribete en el siguiente enlace: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/entradas-taller-de-amigurumi-1276552235099?aff=oddtdtcreator