So I just read a post about the police being able to scan your vehicle for things like phones and pet microchips and library books.
And it made me want to tell this story about a Google review I made with a Google account that I thought was pretty anonymous (because I basically just use it for spam).
I have another account that I use connected to my real name because I use it for my Notary business.
So I did a review of my old doctors office with my spam account because this man refused to discuss or consider MECFS as a diagnosis. He specifically told me it was because there was nothing they could do for that. Because of this it took me three years to get approved for disability because half my medical records denied that I was even disabled.
Anyway, I wanted to warn people who might go to practice with Covid not to see that doctor because he doesn’t believe in any of this stuff. I don’t believe he could have recognized me based on this review because I have not been in that office since 2012 or maybe 2014. I wrote this review in 2024 and he had only briefly been my doctor back then because he was replacing the woman I had been seeing for years who moved away.
So a couple days after I post it to the review section of their Google page I see an email show up in my yahoo email box, which is the one I use for regular stuff. It was from this doctor with a link to connect to the portal so he could talk to me. Absolutely not. I have nothing to say to that man in private. Ever.
But I freaked out because I thought I accidentally left the review with the Google account attached to my real name. And I don’t exactly want people hiring me as a notary to be able to see my health diagnosis.
So get this, I DID NOT use the wrong google account, but they did somehow get the ability to hide my review and I could only see it when I was logged into the account I made the review with.
DID GOOGLE GIVE THIS COMPANY MY REAL NAME?!? How else would this man know it was me to reach out?? He did not try to email me on the email account I used to make the review. so it’s not like they gave him the real name of the email account that was used, they went a step beyond and connected that account to my phone I guess, and the other Google accounts connected to this phone so they could tell him my real name?
I left another one WITH my real name. I also left off the diagnosis in case that’s how they were able to get Google to hide it from everyone else, but this really creeped me out.