@RoosVonk #Timmermans heeft helemaal gelijk. Hij lijkt alleen jammer genoeg last te hebben van het #PeterPrinciple. Misschien is het tijd dat hij een stapje opzij doet voor de jongere generatie, hij kan dan een geweldige mentor worden.
@RoosVonk #Timmermans heeft helemaal gelijk. Hij lijkt alleen jammer genoeg last te hebben van het #PeterPrinciple. Misschien is het tijd dat hij een stapje opzij doet voor de jongere generatie, hij kan dan een geweldige mentor worden.
In a hierarchy, everybody rises to the level where they are incompetent. John Crace's sketch references the #PeterPrinciple - but I'm not sure how widely it is still known ... https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2025/jan/28/rise-of-chris-philp-tests-the-limits-of-the-peter-principle
When I first read it, it was depressing :
“Born In Vancouver, The Peter Principle Explains Why Your Boss Is Incompetent. Here’s Why It Still Resonates”, CBC News (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/peter-principle-vancouver-history-1.7415994).
Are you stuck in a corporate dead-end? Learn why most companies are filled with incompetent leaders and how to avoid the trap. #PeterPrinciple #CareerAdvice #FierceEmpowerment #FierceMillennial
I sense the intersection of the #TechnocraticMeritocracy chnocraticMeritocracy with the #PeterPrinciple.
Even when your org employs thousands of extremely well educated and charismatic experts in all the right fields …
… many org decisions will NOT be made by experts. Or the well informed.
"The Peter Principle" is a term coined in 1969 by Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull — it was the name of their book exploring the idea that employees are often promoted beyond their level of competence. Big Think's Jonny Thomson says this is often a consequence of rewarding good followers with leadership positions. "What Hull and Peter point out is that it makes no sense at all to assume that someone who’s lived their career in unoriginal subordination would suddenly become Abraham Lincoln with a corner office," he writes. Here's his story for Big Think about what we can learn from the theory — and how we can avoid its pitfalls.
#TodayILearned about the #PeterPrinciple, a business philosophical theory that states that low-level corporate employees often get promoted simply for being nice and showing up every day, eventually reaching a position they're simply unqualified to handle, which is why large corporations tend to become more and more incompetent the longer they exist.
Shall we modernize the #Peterprinciple definition?
Those with neither competence nor conscience rise to be a figurehead or a puppet.
As someone else's experience has just reminded me, becoming a manager isn't a promotion; it's a job change.
It's a broken workplace that forces a talented engineer (or aid worker, or writer, or whatever) to become a mediocre manager just to keep their career from stalling.
C.f. the Peter Principle
Vaincu par la machine / Defeated by the machine / 機械に負けた #詩 #ピーター原理 #poem #Peterprinciple
plus mon téléphone intelligent devient compliqué-plus j'ai de la misère à le comprendre et à l'utiliser-je sens alors que mon intelligence a bien diminuée-car par ses nouvelles fonctions là je suis si dépassé-et selon Peter mon point d'incompétence j'ai touché-là j'avoue que moi je suis technologiquement limité-et que par la nouvelle technologie je suis si dépassé-
@scalzi He could have spent the rest of his life as a senior partner at a white shoe law firm, being paid $500K or more a year to take prospective clients to lunch. But he chose the path of madness.
Q: What former #FoxTV host cackles like a witch who didn't know she was sitting on a bidet?
A: He's a fellow who epitomizes unearned White privilege, embodies the #PeterPrinciple, and his name rhymes with *ucker Farlson.