Infosec nerds: Some friends can't make it to Dark Arts Beer Festival at Fort George next weekend so I have 2 available. They sell out in a minute--think SchmooCon of beer. Purchase cost; so please don't resell.
Infosec nerds: Some friends can't make it to Dark Arts Beer Festival at Fort George next weekend so I have 2 available. They sell out in a minute--think SchmooCon of beer. Purchase cost; so please don't resell.
It's #PumpkinBeer season and we're about to be heading to Seattle for the #ElysianBrewing Great Pumpkin Beer Festival so of course that means pregaming! Tonight's beer is Topaz Spiced Pumpkin Ale from #FortGeorgeBrewery, a really nice example with prominent #pumpkin flavor and mellow and balanced spices pulling it all together. Cheers!
This weekend marks the official start of #Oktoberfest in Germany, so I thought I'd share some of the Oktoberfest beers I've been enjoying so far: Bobtoberfest from #HeaterAllenBrewing, Festbier from #BuoyBeer, Half Liter from #FortGeorgeBrewery, and Test Fest from #UrbanFamilyBrewing. Cheers! Fort George Brewery announces their newest, year-round, release - Short Sands Lager. #Oregon #Beer #News #FortGeorgeBrewery