Hoy se cumplen 7 años del lanzamiento de:
Kirby Star Allies
16 de marzo de 2018
Is this Puyo Puyo?
No really! This is Kirby’s Avalanche and it’s a reskin of Super Puyo Puyo!
https://www.tkhunt.com/1811765/ 【あつ森】海の幸とふわふわアイスクリーム!カービィも喜ぶ海辺の2つのレストラン~カービィのグルメツアー~【ゆっくり実況/島クリ】☆星のカービィ☆ ##カービー #AnimalCrossing #AnimalCrossingNewHorizons #celebrity #Kirby #あつ森島クリ #あつ森砂浜 #あつ森カービィとん #任天堂 #島クリ砂浜 #島クリエイター #森星
Here is today's post, the second music compilation of Kirby music!
Here is today's second #flashbackfriday post, the first music compilation of Kirby music!
New Kirby, Dragon Quest and NieR:Automata merch making its way to Japan:
Merch madness
#20InfluentialGames #gamedev day 19: #Kirby #AmazingMirror (https://sylvainhb.blogspot.com/search?q=amazing+mirror) on #GBA (almost)
(challenge is #20games, 1 game per day, no review, no explanation, no particular order)
PowerA Kirby headset for Switch now available:
Earful mode
@SailorDisco I love Wind Waker, it's my favorite in the series as well.
I've been playing Kirby's Epic Yarn on my #WiiU this week. The past couple months have been a lot, and Epic Yarn is just so pleasant and joyful.
Bandai releases new Mario and Kirby-themed products:
Can't go wrong with either
I beat Soul Melter EX in #Kirby Star Allies with my 5yo, which is basically a harder version of the true arena because the 5yo repeatedly dies while you have to revive and beat it for him.