#anaglyph #3d #monument #birds #pigeons #fisheye #illusion #stereogram #stereograph #goodmorning
the dandelion in the sidewalk cracks
Fear Of Missing Out
Arlene Weiner
#Poetry #ArleneWeiner #FOMO #OneArtPoetry #Eclipse #Aurora #Supermoon #Dandelion #Spiderweb #Raindrop #Pigeons
Athena walked over and said hello today. She's on her way back to the other birds here.
I guess we'll have baby pigeons soon.
Canon EOS R10
Canon RF 100-400mm
400mm, F9, 1/1600 s, ISO 3200, cropped
Hier, c'est le drame :
Je surprends la reum en train de régurgiter dans le bec de Crousti-Poulet. Elle se fige en me voyant arriver.
Je reste un peu, elle reste bloquée, l'oeil rond.
C-P, interdit, constate que je suis l'ennemi car ma présence le prive de "lait" (beeeuuargl).
Depuis, dès que j'approche, il se lève sur ses pattes en malabar machouillé et claque du bec comme un raptor.
Mon coeur saigne.
Je comprends que je ne suis ni un oiseau, ni sa mère.
The Good Lady
(An Elderly Lady Feeding Pigeons In A Parisian Park)
#paris #lady #birds #pigeons #park #food
#photography #photos #monochromephotography #streetphotography #nightphotography
@nonfedimemes Seeing the mention of carrier pigeons has me think that sure, any step towards an independent, interoperable RFC1149 implementation would be welcome (see https://www.bsdly.net/~peter/rfc1149_ten_years_of_in-flight_internet.html for some relevant links), but that would perhaps run the risk of being somewhat distruptive in a school or at least classroom environment #rfc1149 #pigeons #tcpip #cpip
‘’Cigarette break’’
VINTAGE POSTCARD Venezia Children Pigeons
#Venezia #Children #Pigeons #CartolinaVintage #Storia #Patrimonio #ArteVintage #Memoria #Illustrazione
#CartolinaStorica #VeneziaVista #DesignArtistico #PatrimonioCulturale #ArteVintage #Illustrazione
Une mignonnerie pour la peine !
Crousti-Poulet & Telegram grandissent bien, merci.
Ils sont laids comme tout, leurs darons les couvent avec application : plus ça va plus ils semblent assis sur deux démons survoltés ou proches de l'apoplexie, chiant dans toutes les directions et battant l'air de leurs ailerons pas cuits.
Demain ils ont une semaine.
Bientôt je les entraîne à caguer sur les fafs du quartier.
Last year a group of three wood pigeons was visiting my balcony almost daily.
In the winter though they stopped coming as regularly - maybe because the balcony was sometimes overcrowded with smaller birds looking for food. There have also been birds of prey showing up. So the pigeons don't feel as safe anymore.
I miss them a lot. Sometimes one of them appears - but only for a short moment. They practically used to live here...
Apparently, Denmark's #postal #service just realized that delivering letters is soooo last century. In other news, #pigeons everywhere are updating their resumes.
https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ckg8jllq283o #Denmark #Innovation #Humor #HackerNews #ngated