Echoes of Language
"Dragon Storm"
#Dragon #Storm #ArtificialIntelligence
Echoes of Language
"Dragon Storm"
#Dragon #Storm #ArtificialIntelligence
The breeze kicked up, blowing the clouds through the sky and fallen leaves across the road.
Perhaps there was a storm brewing, perhaps not, but either way it was worth following the road around the corner to see where it went.
Autumn Road metal print -- New Jefferson County EMA technology provides severe weather updates, alerts in several languages #alert #america #app #DifferentLanguage #information #JimCoker #MultipleLanguage #NewTechnology #people #science #SeveralLanguage #SevereWeatherUpdate #storm #technology #Tornado #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USA #user #WeekendThreat #year
Influencer verlaat Australië na ophef om afpakken babywombat van moeder
10:57 | NOS Nieuws
#Ophef #Influencers #Australie #Storm #Film
A significant severe weather outbreak is expected across the Mississippi River Valley. Risks include widespread significant damaging wind gusts upwards of 90 mph, a few tornadoes, some of which could be significant, and widespread large hail to the size of baseballs. If you live in the affected area, please stay weather alert. #weather #severewx #wx #storms #storm #severweather #outbreak
The Novel #H10N3 Avian #Influenza Virus Triggers Lethal #Cytokine #Storm by Activating Multiple Forms of Programmed Cell Death in Mammalian #Lungs, Rain set to hit Southern California amid flood warnings #america #area #CarbonBeachEast #DebrisFlow #EvacuationWarning #flooding #foot #inch #LosAngelesTimes #NationalWeatherService #official #P.M.Wednesday #rain #SecondStorm #SnowLevel #storm #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USNews #USTopics #USA #USANews
Severe thunderstorm causes peak hour chaos across Perth
071 - X-Men Legacy #300 (3/12/2014)
I like how Mann manages to everyone a little sense of character
Cover by Clay Mann. Interiors by Simon Spurrier, Mike Carey & Christos N. Gage & Tan Eng Huat, Steve Kurth & Rafa Sandoval
070 - Uncanny X-Men Annual #16 (3/10/1992)
I got crossed up and posted today's cover yesterday so here's yesterday's! A weird Jae Lee cover that always pulls me in.
Cover by Jae Lee. Interiors by Fabian Nicieza & Lee.
Dramatic lightning storm over Death Valley National Park, California
More about me & prints:
Aperture: f/8 (for sharpness and depth of field across the landscape)
Shutter Speed: 2s (to capture the lightning strike with a long exposure)
ISO: 200 (to maintain clarity in the low-light storm conditions)
#Lightning #Nature #Desert #Landscape #Storm #Photography
A stormy, sunny and beautiful day
#wether #sky #nature #storm #Nerskogen #Trollheimen #Norway
Belangrijkste verkiezingen ooit voor Groenland: 'Ze zien ook hoe Trump opereert'
08:59 | RTL Nieuws
#Trump #Verkiezingen #Geopolitiek #Grondstoffen #Storm
Deluge Dress
Grant Hope 151
It has been wicked hot out in the wide plains of tall grass
not even a little sprinkle of wet
ages it seems since even traces of water have come around