Today in WW2 History, 14 Mar 1965: Frederick Browning, former general, passed away #ww2 #onthisday

Today in WW2 History, 14 Mar 1965: Frederick Browning, former general, passed away #ww2 #onthisday
Today in WW2 History, 14 Mar 1946: [Photo] War criminal Lieutenant Nakamura being led to his execution #ww2 #onthisday
Today in WW2 History, 14 Mar 1945: [Photo] Flagraising at Iwo Jima #ww2 #onthisday
Today in WW2 History, 14 Mar 1945: Chester Nimitz prematurely announced Iwo Jima secure. #ww2 #onthisday
Today in WW2 History, 14 Mar 1945: The Grand Slam bomb was used for the first time in combat on the Bielefeld viaduct. #ww2 #onthisday
A supply drop intended for SAS forces - France, 1944 #ww2 #worldwar2 #history #sas #supply #supplydrop #france
Today in WW2 History, 14 Mar 1944: [Photo] Mountbatten diverted 30 aircraft to bring Indian 5th Div to Imphal-Dimapur. #ww2 #onthisday
Today in WW2 History, 14 Mar 1943: Germans recaptured Kharkov, Ukraine. #ww2 #onthisday
Today in WW2 History, 14 Mar 1942: [Photo] Keitel, Himmler, and Milch at the Berlin Memorial Day celebration #ww2 #onthisday
Today in WW2 History, 14 Mar 1941: [Photo] British Hurricane fighter at night #ww2 #onthisday
Of course #Germany would retain control over this huge "reservation"; however, this chimeric project was abandoned as Germany attacked the Soviet Union and launched the Final Solution.
@israel @palestine @iran @lebanon @yemen @syria @ireland @histodons @russia @uk @australia
Mar 14, 1918: Abba Kovner was born on this date in Oszmiana (now Ashmyany, Belarus). Jewish partisan leader of the Fareynikte Partizaner Organizatsye ("United Partisan Organization"; referred to as FPO by its Yiddish initials). The clandestine organization was established by Communist & Zionist partisans and conducted armed resistance against the Nazis. Abba Kovner, Josef Glazman and Yitzhak Wittenberg were leaders of the FPO.
After Spanish fascist dictator Francisco Franco died in 1975, Goikoetxea was honored with the UK’s George Medal and the French Legion of Honor. “When asked what his occupation was in the ceremony at Buckingham Palace, the old smuggler said in broken English that he was in the ‘import-export business.’” He died July 27, 1980 at the age of 82. (3/3)
Only, they weren’t Gestapo agents, they were members of the Resistance. Goikoetxea remained in hiding until the Nazis abandoned southwestern France a month later. He survived the war, but because he remained a wanted criminal he kept a low profile in fascist Spain. (2/3)
Mar 14, 1898: On this date Florentino Goikoetxea was born in Hernani, Spain. He was a Basque smuggler who served the Comet Escape Line. On July 26, 1944, he was shot 4 times by German border guards & was captured. The Germans took him to a hospital in Bayonne. On July 27, 2 Gestapo agents arrived at the hospital, demanded to take him into custody, & drove away. (1/3)
#WW2 #Resistance #Basque #antifa #Spain
Tag: @sharponlooker
Mar 14, 1887: On this date Sylvia Beach was born in Baltimore, Maryland. She spent most of her life in France working as a Parisian bookseller at her storefront, Shakespeare and Company. She was active in the French Resistance including sheltering downed Allied airmen along with American expatriate actress Drue Leyton.
Recommended free reading for today:
Secret Armies: the new technique of Nazi Warfare by John L Spivak.
*History Doesn't Repeat, But It Often Rhymes*
Hat Tip to Blue Sky user:
Today in WW2 History, 14 Mar 1940: Finnish Parliament met and debated over the ratification of Moscow Peace Treaty. #ww2 #onthisday
Today in WW2 History, 14 Mar 1939: Slovakia and Ruthenia declared independence from Czechoslovakia. #ww2 #onthisday
Today in WW2 History, 14 Mar 1938: Japanese 10th Div advanced into Jiangsu Province, China. #ww2 #onthisday