This is actually some big news: a lot of folks originally joined the Tweeter because of #Diggnation and #TWiT hyping up Twitter in its earliest days. I know I joined because of them (esp. Leo talking about it all the time)
Well Kevin Rose, founder of #Digg, said if he got 1,000 likes to a post he made on Threads, he'd delete his Tweeter account.
He got them, and he did.
Makes me think - if I get 200 likes here in the #fediverse on this post, pointing out Kevin's post, I'll delete CoffeeGeek's Tweeter account too. (I promise, this isn't likebait lol!)
EDIT. OMG. Me and my big mouth!
. Well, you all got there, and I will follow through, once I download my archive.
Bejeebus. Me and my big mouth!
Well, you have spoken, and I'm going to do it, today. I just need to download the Tweeter archive, and then wipe the account. I do want to do one lil' ole message to Elon first on the account.
In all honestly, our Twitter account, with 28K followers organically grown over 14 years, has no value any longer, thanks to Elon. The only thing that's a challenge is
a) I don't want some squatter to take over the account name
b) I won't be able to DM a bunch of specialty coffee holdouts that are still on the Tweeter.
Yup. I did it. Now in the "deactivation phase'. Need to wait 30 days to permanently delete the account.
@coffeegeek done! Start archiving ;)
@chris hahah! I archived the last day I posted on the Tweeterville.
Though I wonder if the archive will still work with the stupid change to porn dot com... er, x dot com.
@coffeegeek doooooo iiiiiiit.
@coffeegeek heh, I think I was like #2. Easy peasy.
@coffeegeek Delete it anyway
Don't support fascists.
@coffeegeek Don’t delete- it may let squatters come in and steal your name. Use the account to point to where you are now
@adamshostack @coffeegeek I've seen folks who were popular on Xitter and deleted their accounts completely have to regularly remind all their followers that the spam / scam messages from their old handle aren't them. I recommend deleting all your posts, leaving a pointer to your new space and then just never logging in again.
@allpoints @adamshostack @coffeegeek is there a good way of deleting all posts now that they've made the APIs a premium service?
@http_error_418 @adamshostack @coffeegeek Sorry, I don't know. At one time there was a free service for that but, to your point, that's probably no longer free.
@allpoints @adamshostack @coffeegeek a similar alternative suggestion: delete the account in order to remove the post history, but become the squatter yourself to make sure it stays empty
@allpoints @adamshostack @coffeegeek If your Xitter account is idle for too long, it can be auto-deleted. That’s why I post a monthly keep-alive message pointing here.
@coffeegeek Pretty sure there's a way to leave the account active, but make it private. This way it won't show up in public searches, but also cannot be claimed by squatters. This is what I did to "cancel" my personal account after Elon took over.
@mportuesi @coffeegeek Correct!
I did the same. I visit once or twice a month, mostly to remind myself what horrible things The Chief Twit is tweeting.
I don’t post. Don’t ️. Don’t
. Nothing.
I retain the ability to DM old cyberfriends, but haven’t in over a year.
Some customer service options are still only available on the
I did download my archive. Not sure how useful that was, but it did work and was possible.
@coffeegeek Leo's got an account over on now.
@coffeegeek heh heh heh ...
funny how that worked, isn't it?
@coffeegeek Congrats!
@coffeegeek I left mine up as a "signpost" to this account, but I deleted all my content and never went back. It feels good to let go.