With today's announcement you can see the stories that some terrific publishers are curating on Flipboard:
The Root
The Collector
LGBTQ Nation
Mental Foss
The Verge
Refinery 29
Smithsonian Magazine
SPIN Magazine
Conversation US
@mike Brilliant! I love being able to follow these sites via Mastodon.
@mike @AfarMedia @TheRoot @pitchfork @thecollector @LGBTQNation @mental_floss @Semafor @Joysauce @theverge @Refinery29 @Smithsonianmag @SPINMag @IndieWire @Digiday @ConversationUS
Have high hopes for this integration!
What am I not understanding here? When I follow a link to one of these accounts they have a link to another #flipboard account with the same handle and a bigger follower account. Which is the one to follow and why are there two?
@mike @AfarMedia @TheRoot @pitchfork @thecollector @LGBTQNation @mental_floss @Semafor @Joysauce @theverge @Refinery29 @Smithsonianmag @SPINMag @IndieWire @Digiday @ConversationUS
@cmonster @mike
There is a medium post which quote.
"While the accounts we are federating have tens of thousands or even millions of followers on Flipboard, we think this could be confusing to people in the Fediverse. Accordingly, follower counts will start at zero in the Fediverse and increment as each account accrues new ActivityPub followers."
@cmonster @mike could be .... to be honest, all the different app and even server version cause various experiences which can be difficult to track down. Even the follower counts .... I think they are cached and not "real time" .... I already see the root having 29 "fediverse" followers in our own internal database that produces the number over activity pub
The difference between viewing the user profile as it exists on your instance (this is the lower follower count profile), versus viewing it on their home instance (the higher follower count profile). Looks like your app just isn't providing any detail about the difference.
@mike @AfarMedia @TheRoot @pitchfork @thecollector @LGBTQNation @mental_floss @Semafor @Joysauce @theverge @Refinery29 @Smithsonianmag @SPINMag @IndieWire @Digiday @ConversationUS
I think it's really funny that they are specifically doing the type of thing have been advising not to do on their podcast for large businesses....which is using someone else instance....
@rotfarm I think that publishers and creators will have multiple accounts in the #Fediverse for different purposes and use cases. For example I now have three accounts in the Fediverse: My Flipboard account where I curate interesting content into magazines that people can follow. My Mastodon account where I mostly post and converse about the Fediverse. My PixelFed account where I post photos.
@mike Oh, no I meant that they wouldn't create their own mastodon instances. Flipboard has multiple accounts for types of news, and I was thinking those others would do that, as opposed to repeating the same idea of using another's instance as a platform, but now thinking about it, it maybe makes sense as flipboard itself is an app business platform for distributing news.
@mike Congrats on the federation rollout today!
@manton thank you!
@mike this is incredible! Thank you for sharing!
@mike@flipboard.social @AfarMedia@flipboard.com @TheRoot@flipboard.com @pitchfork@flipboard.com @thecollector@flipboard.com @LGBTQNation@flipboard.com @mental_floss@flipboard.com @Semafor@flipboard.com @Joysauce@flipboard.com @theverge@flipboard.com @Refinery29@flipboard.com @Smithsonianmag@flipboard.com @SPINMag@flipboard.com @IndieWire@flipboard.com @ConversationUS@flipboard.com @Digiday@flipboard.com
hello and welcome to the Fediverse