Yesterday a #Federal judge barred parts of an insane illegal heavy handed and chilling childlike #DJT #ExecutiveOrder targeting exclusively employees and clients of a large influential #DC #beltway #lawfirm he doesn't like.
Known as #PerkinsCoie , the 100+ yr old firm
started in #Seattle and has long represented that region's top tech clients including #Amazon & #Microsoft etc, as well as many other #Fortune500 names .
The #RWNJ #HoiPolloi anger at the firm has to do with the fact #PerkinsCoie attorneys helped commission the embarrassing and disputed #SteeleDossier that included allegations against a failed NJ casino operator turned political candidate.who became President TWICE!
The far reaching petty #policestate and draconian #Drumpf overreach would've made it virtually impossible for #employees or any of the 1000+ #attorneys at the firm to do biz in #DC . The order barred firm partners from even speaking to #federalemployees, or to physically enter any govt #property including #courtrooms etc.