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spiegel.de/kultur/peggy-parnas Was für eine traurige Nachricht: #Autorin und #Zeitzeugin #PeggyParnass ist tot
Sie war Schauspielerin, Publizistin und linke Moralinstanz: Peggy #Parnass überlebte den #Holocaust und prägte deutsche Debatten mit ihren Kommentaren und Reportagen. Nun ist sie mit 97 Jahren verstorben. Sie selbst sagte mal, sie engagiere sich politisch, »weil es der Selbstrespekt verlangt, den Versuch zu machen, etwas zu bewegen.« #KeinVergessen #Nationalsozialismus #Antisemitismus

DER SPIEGEL · Autorin und Zeitzeugin: Peggy Parnass ist totBy DER SPIEGEL
Zeit ihres Lebens setzt sich Peggy Parnass gegen Geschichtsvergessen und Intoleranz ein. Sie selbst überlebt den Holocaust als Kind nur knapp. Für ihre Publikationen und ihr Engagement erhält Parnass viele Auszeichnungen. Jetzt stirbt sie im hohen Alter.#International #Holocaust #Hamburg #Todesfälle #Nationalsozialismus #Historisches #Literatur
Autorin wurde 97 Jahre alt: Holocaust-Überlebende Peggy Parnass ist tot
n-tv NACHRICHTEN · Autorin wurde 97 Jahre alt: Holocaust-Überlebende Peggy Parnass ist totBy n-tv NACHRICHTEN

Mar 12, 1912: On this date, Polish Jewish resistance activist Ala Gertner was born. While a slave laborer at a munitions factory, she smuggled gunpowder to prisoners at Auschwitz to build grenades, who destroyed Crematorium IV & killed several SS officers. She was one of four women (the others being Róża Robota, Ester Wajcblum, & Regina Safirsztajn) hanged Jan 5 (or 6), 1945 for their role in the Sonderkommando Uprising.

#WW2 #Holocaust #Jew #WomensHistoryMonth


en.wikipedia.orgAla Gertner - Wikipedia
Continued thread


#trump posted an article to his Truth Social account this weekend featuring a deeply troubling image: a pink triangle—the Nazi-era symbol used to identify and persecute gay men in concentration camps—covered with a red prohibited sign."

This Pink Triangle was used to identify gay men and was a prelude to the Star of David that people of the Jewish faith had to wear.

In my mind #trump removed all doubt ( not that I had much ) that he is a #Nazi

The USA is entering a dark period in their history

#holocaust .

"The Meidas Touch reports:

Trump posted an article to his Truth Social account this weekend featuring a deeply troubling image: a pink triangle—the Nazi-era symbol used to identify and persecute gay men in concentration camps—covered with a red prohibited sign."

Fuck everyone who gaslit my wife and I when we began leaving, punished us for doing so, and continued to punish/ gaslight us. This is JUST like last time. Do not wave away our fears! Be an ACTUAL #ally !

Continued thread

and that’s why forced conversions and the fear of, not just Gxd but HELL are now considered heresies in the Catholic Church.

hatreds of “The Others” justify genocide. it justified the #Holocaust. it’s justifying #Palestinian #genocide.

and why you’ve heard nary a peep from USAmerican christofascists about the billions used to kill Christians in #Gaza.

their #christianity and #zionism are just extensions of their sadistic dreams of #colonialism and worldwide domination and dominion.

/ 🧵

Continued thread

and because you can’t just leave Buddhists or even Atheists hanging, there’s not just provisions about that, but the TL;DR about FORCED CONVERSION:

it’s #heresy.

anything that goes against the #GoldenRule goes against the very essence and core of Jesus’ teachings

―Luke 6:31

Nostra Aetate is the RCC’s attempt to destroy all the excuses Catholics used to be complicit with the #Nazis and be active collaborators in the #Holocaust

Continued thread

Apropos the 'minimum calorie' formula for Gaza residents which raises disturbing parallels echoed in Weiss' analysis. Deeply troubling for a country that invokes the #Holocaust while implementing policies (long before October 2023) that employ legal frameworks reminiscent of historical atrocities. But really, we've crossed that bridge long time ago. #Gaza has effectively functioned as a ghetto, treated as such since Israel's withdrawal, which was followed by a twenty-year siege.

Quoting Uri Weiss (a legal scholar and game theorist):

[...] "Decisions by legal advisors and judges in Israel removed Gaza residents from the protection of the law, and this is what enabled the mass killing in Gaza. German law is part of the continental legal systems, and a parliamentary law removed the Jews there from the protection of the law. In contrast, Israeli law is part of common law systems, where decisions by judges and legal advisors are what removed Gaza residents from the protection of the law.

Uri Weiss argues that Israel's legal system has removed #Gaza residents from legal protection through judicial decisions that denied the status of occupation. He explicitly compares this process to how legal systems were used historically to enable genocide, drawing parallels with the Nuremberg Laws that stripped Jews of legal status before the Holocaust.

The denial of occupation in Gaza was expressed in court rulings that legitimized the starvation of Gaza. For example, In 2007, the Israeli Supreme Court denied that Israel was limiting the amount of food entering the Strip, but confirmed restrictions on fuel and electricity. According to the formula established by the court, Israel was only obligated to transfer "the amount of fuel and electricity required for essential humanitarian needs." A 2008 document from the Israeli military established a "minimum calorie" formula for Gaza residents, which he argues was designed to maintain people just above humanitarian crisis levels.

Hebrew mekomit.co.il/ההכחשה-המשפטית-ש

[#claude] In continental legal systems (i.e. civil law), codes and statutes are designed to cover all possibilities and judges fill in gaps. In common law systems, case law is analyzed for precedents that are binding on lower courts. Civil law tends to be more conceptual and abstract; common law more pragmatic and concrete. The role of the judge differs dramatically - in civil law they primarily interpret; in common law they can effectively make law through precedent.

#Zionism #Nazism

שיחה מקומית · ההכחשה המשפטית של הכיבוש סללה את הדרך להרג בעזה - שיחה מקומיתהיסטוריון השואה, ראול הילברג, לימד אותנו שאי אפשר היה להתקדם אל השמדת היהודים מבלי לשלול את מעמדם האזרחי בחוקי נירנברג. כדי להתקדם לעבר ההשמדה, נדרש ליצור את היהודי כקטגוריה משפטית, ובתי המשפט דנו בשאלה מיהו יהודי. חוקי נירנברג היו מושתתים על הפילוסופיה של קרל שמידט, שבאה להפוך את היהודי מאזרח הזכאי לשוויון בפני החוק, לאויב. חנה ארנדט תיארה […]

Mar 9, 1922: Felice Schragenheim was born on this date in Berlin. She was a German Jewish resistance fighter during WW2 & known for her her tragic lesbian love affair with Lilly Wust who was married to a German Nazi soldier. Schragenheim & Wust remained a couple until August 1944 when Schragenheim was arrested by the Gestapo. (1/5)


#WW2 #Resistance #Jew #Holocaust #LGBTQ #WomensHistoryMonth


en.wikipedia.orgFelice Schragenheim - Wikipedia

🙏 "Bitte nehmt die Worte der Rechtsradikalen ernst. Bitte tut alles, um ihnen das Handwerk zu legen", fordert Holocaust-Überlebender Leon Weintraub im November 2024.

Der inzwischen 98-Jährige hat es sich zur Lebensaufgabe gemacht, die Gräueltaten des NS-Regimes weiterzutragen, um das Geschehene nicht in Vergessenheit geraten zu lassen.

📝 ndr.de/geschichte/Leon-Weintra