The IDF reported that the weapons storage facility and explosives lab were dismantled during IDF counterterrorism activity in Tulkarm.
The IDF reported that the weapons storage facility and explosives lab were dismantled during IDF counterterrorism activity in Tulkarm.
“Live: Hamas and Israel agree to swap 602 prisoners for four captive bodies”
by Middle East Eye
“Over 35,000 Gaza families in need of shelter and blankets”
⟦ Domenica, il ministro della Difesa #IsraelKatz ha annunciato con orgoglio l'obiettivo dell'operazione dell'esercito in #Cisgiordania: espellere i residenti dei campi profughi.
Nella Striscia di #Gaza, il governo sogna la deportazione della popolazione, ma in Cisgiordania lo sta già facendo.
Katz ha persino detto di aver “ordinato” che i 40.000 palestinesi già espulsi dai campi profughi di #Jenin, #TulKarm e #NurShams non potranno tornare per almeno un anno.
Le dichiarazioni di #Katz contraddicono completamente l'affermazione ufficiale delle Forze di Difesa israeliane - rese fin dall'inizio dell'operazione in Cisgiordania - secondo cui non stanno sfrattando la popolazione (come riportato da Hagar Shezaf su Haaretz domenica). 2
La deportazione di massa che #Israele e #Trump sognano per Gaza sta già avvenendo in #cisgiordania 1/6
Il ministro della difesa "Katz ha persino detto di aver “ordinato” che i 40.000 palestinesi già espulsi dai campi profughi di #Jenin, #TulKarm e #NurShams non potranno tornare per almeno un anno."
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #ZionistTerrorism #PACE #24febbraio
Israeli military’s assault on Tulkarm and its refugee camp has now entered its 27th consecutive day, while the Nur Shams camp remains under siege for the 14th day.
#westbank #palestine #invasion
Invading ISR forces continued their military offensive across the northern West Bank on Saturday, intensifying raids in #tulkarm and its camps, while Palestinian Resistance groups vowed further retaliation.
Report Al Mayadeen (staff still banned by ISR in Ramallah)
german tv: ZDF, MIMA, 17.02.2025, 12.20 Uhr
short documentation on the death of SADAM, 10, who was shot on 28.01.2025 in tulkarm by an israeli sniper [sophie von der tann]
"Vrijwel meteen na het ingaan van het bestand in Gaza trok het Israëlische leger naar de Westoever. Wat volgde waren een grondoffensief en luchtaanvallen die nu al weken aanhouden.
Volgens de Verenigde Naties zijn in de afgelopen weken zeker 40.000 Palestijnen op de Westoever ontheemd geraakt. Tientallen mensen zijn gedood." #Israel #TerroristState #occupation #Westbank #Palestine #IDF #CaterpillarD9 #NurShams #Tulkarm #Jenin #ElFara
Ecco perché è lecito sparare e uccidere Sundos Shelvi, 23 anni, incinta all'ottavo mese, a #Tulkarm, perché “guardava in modo sospetto verso il suolo”, senza che questo importi a nessuno in Israele.
Non ne hanno parlato nemmeno negli studi di guerra, che sono diventati un fortino per la sicurezza militare.
Queste posizioni non si sviluppano nel vuoto: permeano la coscienza pubblica e diventano politica sul campo.
I bombardamenti incessanti a Gaza, la fame deliberata, la demolizione delle case, il taglio dell'elettricità e dell'acqua: tutto ciò è espressione diretta di questa politica, che cerca di spezzare la volontà del popolo palestinese e di portarlo sull'orlo del collasso. 8
Israeli Troops Withdraw From Netzarim Corridor in Gaza #Benjamin #DonaldJ #GazaStrip #Israel #MiddleEast #Netanyahu #palestinians #trump #Tulkarm(WestBank) #WestBank
The 11 year old child that Israeli troops shot in the back on the 28th has now passed away.
His family posted video of the funeral.
Saddam Rajab, from Kafr al -Labad, east of Tulkarm, was playing on the sidewalk near his home when he was randomly targeted by an IOF sniper and shot.
The crime was caught on several security cameras and they show they child posed no threat to anyone. It was murder.
Earlier post >
The Israeli military has displaced 26,000 Palestinians from their homes in #Jenin & #Tulkarm since launching its major assault on the occupied #WestBank last month.
Speaking from Amman at an update on the humanitarian situation in the occupied Palestinian territories, UNRWA Communications Director Juliette Touma described catastrophic scenes, with some 100 buildings “destroyed or heavily damaged” by controlled detonations. The #tulkarm camp's residents had “endured the impossible”, she added.
UNRWA pointed out that some 30,000 residents from the #jenin camp have fled their houses. #westbank #invasion
Report: WAFA Ramallah
The IDF reported the continuation of the counterterrorism operation in Tulkarm.
In other news the situation in the West Bank remains extremely dangerous. Israel has been shifting its genocide to the West Bank. In the last two days an 11 year old boy was seen on video shot by an IOF sniper while I played on the sidewalk in Tulkarm. He's in critical condition.
Earlier in the week Israeli soldiers were shooting randomly into West Bank homes and murdered a two year old girl.
Some people think that the war in #Palestine has stopped with the truce agreement and the end of the war on #Gaza; but the truth is that #Israel has opened a new war in the cities of #Jenin and #Tulkarm, and has begun to besiege, arrest, kill and destroy, and the situation is tragic in them.
Israelischer Luftangriff in #Tulkarm tötet #Hamas - Kommandeur
Der Angriff markiert den siebten Tag der „Operation Eiserne Mauer“, die sich gegen die terroristische Infrastruktur im Gebiet #Dschenin in #Samaria richtet.
Giovedì a Gaza, l'esercito ha ucciso 5 giornalisti che si trovavano a bordo di un veicolo recante la scritta "PRESS" e ha sostenuto che si trattava di "terroristi" e "agenti di propaganda di combattimento".
La loro "propaganda di combattimento" era sicuramente di gran lunga inferiore alla propaganda di combattimento di quasi tutti i corrispondenti militari in Israele, ma se #Hamas avesse ucciso cinque giornalisti israeliani, il clamore sarebbe arrivato fino al cielo.
Il giorno prima, l'IDF aveva impedito l'evacuazione in ospedale di 2 donne ferite in un attacco a una casa nel campo profughi di #TulKarm, in Cisgiordania; sono morte.
A quanto pare, anche Tul Karm si trova a Gaza. 6
Zusammenfassung der letzten Stunden
Raketen auf Haifa, Luftangriffe in Tul Karm mit mutmaßlich 18 Toten. Alle aktuellen Informationen hier.
#Israel #Libanon #TulKarm #Hisbollah
[02:26] Palestinian health ministry says Israeli strike kills 18
At least 18 people were killed in the West Bank refugee camp of Tulkarm, the Palestinian health ministry said, following an air strike that the Israeli military claimed killed a local Hamas leader.
#Atleast18 #WestBank #Tulkarm #Palestinian #Israeli #Hamas