#ITByte: Pre-trained #LLMs have challenges to answer domain specific queries.
Researchers have turned their attention to the concept of #Knowledge #Injection. Knowledge injection is the process of incorporating outside knowledge into language models to improve their performance on certain tasks.
#Development #Guidelines
Guidelines for secure filename display · What you can do to keep your users safe https://ilo.im/162gv8
#OS #Files #Trustworthiness #Vulnerability #Security #Spoofing #Injection #WebDev #Frontend #Backend
Satellite Data Study Pinpoints Areas Sinking And Rising Along California Coast
https://phys.org/news/2025-02-satellite-areas-california-coast.html <-- shared technical article
https://dx.doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.ads8163 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #sealevel #sealevelrise #subsidence #model #modeling #SLR #coast #coastline #verticallandmotion #VLM #California #climatechange #planning #policy #remotesensing #groundwater #pumping #risk #hazard #infrastructure #damage #wastewater #injection #tidegauge #dynamic #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #numericmodeling #uplift #projections #flood #flooding #mitigation #satellite #ocean #marine
New hack uses prompt injection to corrupt Gemini’s long-term memory:
There's yet another way to inject malicious prompts into chatbots.
In the nascent field of AI hacking, indirect prompt injection has become a basic building block for inducing chatbots to exfiltrate sensitive data or perform other malicious actions. […]
“#AutomotiveSecurity experts say they have uncovered a method of car theft relying on direct access to the vehicle's system bus via a smart headlamp's wiring.
It all started when a Toyota #RAV4 belonging to one of the tech gurus suffered suspicious damage to the front wing and headlight housing, and was eventually successfully stolen. Some sleuthing and reverse engineering revealed how the motor was finally nicked.
Ken Tindell, CTO of #Canis Automotive Labs, said the evidence pointed to thieves' successful execution of a so-called CAN #injection.
A Controller Area Network (#CAN) bus is present in nearly all modern cars, and is used by microcontrollers and other devices to talk to each other within the vehicle and carry out the work they are supposed to do.”
#CarTheft / #hacking / #networks / #tech <https://www.theregister.com/2023/04/06/can_injection_attack_car_theft/>
El lado del mal - Jailbreaking DeepSeek para comparar el System Prompt con OpenAI ChatGPT https://www.elladodelmal.com/2025/02/jailbreaking-deepseek-para-comparar-el.html #ChatGPT #OpenAI #DeepSeek #AI #LLM #Jailbreak #Prompt #Injection #GenAI #IA
clone2leak, czyli jak drobne szczegóły powodują wyciekanie poświadczeń
Git to bezdyskusyjnie jeden z najpopularniejszych systemów zarządzania wersjami. Zaadoptowany przez wiele organizacji (np. GitHuba) doczekał się wsparcia w postaci różnych narzędzi, takich jak GitHub Desktop czy Git LFS. To z kolei pociągnęło za sobą konieczność współdzielenia poświadczeń użytkownika. Niestety nie wszystkie sprawdzenia dokonywane były z należytą starannością i badacz...
#WBiegu #Git #Gitcls #Gitdesktop #Gitlfs #Injection #Newline #Podatność
SQL Injection attacks alert and security enhancements for PrestaShop
Anxious China celebrity couple give short son hormone jabs to help him grow https://www.inbella.com/818516/anxious-china-celebrity-couple-give-short-son-hormone-jabs-to-help-him-grow/ #anxious #basketball #Beijing #Boxing #CelebritiesNews #Doctors #gold #GrowthHormone #Health #height #hospital #InferiorityComplex #injection #London #medal #medical #olympics #Shanghai #short #SideEffects #skipping #solutions #son #taller #treatment
Research Offers Insights Into Permian Basin Earthquake Hazards
https://phys.org/news/2024-12-insights-permian-basin-earthquake-hazards.html <-- shared technical article
https://doi.org/10.1306/intro10012424106 <-- shared paper(s)
https://www.usgs.gov/programs/earthquake-hazards <-- USGS earthquake record, including catalogue
#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #3dmodeling #Texas #NewMexico #well #fracking #injection #oilandgas #petroleumindustry #wastewater #PermianBasin #subsurface #reservoirs #fault #faulting #earthquake #sesimicity #inducedseismicity #geology #basin #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #risk #hazard #reservoirengineering #geomechanics #WestTexas #oil #gas #production #Midland #MidlandBasin #regulations
The moment immediately after i give myself an #injection is my favorite because its the longest amount of time i have until my next #shot. God i hate #needles. #medicine
I-O DATA Routers Command Injection Vulnerabilities Actively Exploited in Attacks
Dependency injection isn't about frameworks. Understanding the bases is crucial to using frameworks correctly.
Progress Kemp #LoadMaster contains an OS Command #Injection #vulnerability that allows an unauthenticated, remote attacker to access the system through the LoadMaster management interface, enabling arbitrary system command execution (CVE-2024-1212):
Counter-offensive self-healing GenAI systems? Well sign me right on up!